Please enter the details of your request.
(so your Wyze Wizard knows what to call you)
Please select from the drop-down menu
Please enter your order number
What general question do you have?
02 - Climate Sensor
02 - Leak Probe
02 - Leak Sensor
Select which subscription service you are having issues with?
What kind of issue do you have with your service?
Select the service you are having issues with?
what is the issue with the alarm?
Please select what kind of issue you are having with your subscription service
What is the issue with the Monitoring Tab
what is the issue with the sense hardware?
Select what is the issue with Noonlight
What is the issue with the coupon code?
Please select the option which best suites your request about
What is the issue with the wyze webview?
Select the issue with the payment?
What platform are you having a login issue?
What is the issue with Friendly Faces?
Which Notification are you having issues with?
What is the Plug power quality issue you are experiencing?
What is the issue with the event?
What is the issue with you license plan?
Select the reason for cancellation
Which sense device are you trying to setup?
which sense device is having connection issues?
Select which camera is having issues with web view
Which AI notification are you having issues with?
What Kind of Promotion are you refering to?
Select the camera you are having issues with?
Select where did you purchase the service from?
Where did you purchase this from?
Which kind of device do you use?
Which Retail outlet did you purchase from?
Please select the device which has firmware issues
select which browser you are using for the web view