You're using the Wyze app to position your Wyze Cam Pan v3, but it isn't moving as expected. It may not be rotating, or can only turn in one direction.
Note: This is usually caused by manually bumping or adjusting your Wyze Cam Pan v3, which causes it to lose track of its position. All you need to do is recalibrate the camera position and try again.
- Recalibrate the position of your Wyze Cam Pan v3.
- In the Wyze app, tap Wyze Cam Pan v3 > Settings > Advanced Settings> Motor Controls > Reset Position > Reset.
- Confirm your Wyze app is up to date.
- In your Wyze app, go to the Account tab > tap About.
- Your current app version is under the Wyze logo.
- Compare your app version to the latest app version listed here on our Release Notes & Firmware page.
- If you find that your Wyze app is out of date, head over to your mobile device’s app store, and update the Wyze app.
- Check that your Wyze Cam Pan v3’s firmware is up to date.
- You can check this by going to the Account tab > Firmware Update.
- If there is an update available for the camera, please move forward with updating it.
- Ensure there is nothing blocking the camera’s ability to move.
- Toggle Privacy Mode off/on from underneath the camera’s live stream.