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My Smart Schedules seem to be under or over watering

If you think your plants aren't getting the appropriate amount of water it may be because of incorrect zone settings. The first step is to ensure all your primary settings (crop type, soil type, spray heads, etc.) are correct. If the system still seems to be under or over watering even after reviewing primary settings, you may need to adjust the advanced settings. Each advanced setting falls under a basic setting. When you adjust the basic setting we automatically select the best advanced setting for you.

For example, Spray Head Type has an advanced setting called Precipitation Rate which indicates how much water your zone gets in the form of inches per hour. So if you select that your zone has a drip line we automatically select a Precipitation Rate of .5 in/hr vs a Fixed Spray Head which has a default Precipitation Rate of 1.5 in/hr. Changing the basic setting will automatically adjust the corresponding advanced settings, so if you plan to play with advanced settings please make sure you set the main setting first.

The three components to the smart schedule are: 1) How much water does the zone need? 2) How frequently will it need to be watered? 3) How long will it take to achieve the desired watering level?

  • How much water a zone needs:

    • Main Parameters: Soil Type, Crop Type

    • Advanced Parameters: Available Water, Root Depth, Allowed Depletion

  • How frequently will it need to be watered:

    • Main Parameters: Soil Type, Crop Type, Sun Exposure

    • Advanced Parameters: Crop Coefficient, Available Water, Root Depth, Allowed Depletion

  • How long it will take to achieve the desired watering level:

    • Main Parameters: Soil Type, Crop Type, Spray Head Type, Slope,

    • Advanced Parameters: Available Water, Root Depth, Allowed Depletion, Precipitation Rate, Efficiency

The most straightforward way to adjust the watering amount is to go to schedules -> your schedule -> zones, and you can view the current duration suggested by the algorithm and adjust the duration for zones that you think are under or over watering.

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