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Creating an API Key

If you are using Home Bridge or other third-party apps (aside from Google, Alexa, or IFTTT), we have developed a portal for you to generate an API key.


To create an API key:

  1. Navigate to this portal, and click Login to sign in to your Wyze account.
    • Note: Ensure that the login info you are using matches the info you use when logging into the Wyze app.
  2. Once you’ve signed in, you’ll be automatically redirected back to the developer page.
  3. Click Create an API key for your API key to be created.
    • Once created, you can click view to see the entire key.
  4. You should receive an email that a new API key has been generated.
  5. Once you have the API key, you can use it in your script to get the access token and refresh token.

To delete an API key:

  1. Navigate to this portal, and click Login to sign in to your Wyze account.
    • Note: Ensure that the login info you are using matches the info you use when logging into the Wyze app.
  2. Next to your API key, click Delete.


  • Only one API key can be created per user at a time.
    • If you want to create a new API Key, you will need to delete the existing one and create a new one.
  • Your API key is valid for 1 year from the date of creation.
  • This endpoint is currently rate limited.


Log in using your API key:


POST Request

POST /api/user/login HTTP/2


Keyid: <insert-keyid-here>

Apikey: <insert-apikey-here>

Content-Type: application/json

Content-Length: 100




 "password": "md5(md5(md5(password)))"




HTTP/2 200 OK

Content-Type: application/json












To get a new access token:


POST Request

POST /app/user/refresh_token HTTP/1.1


Content-Type: application/json

Content-Length: 100













HTTP/2 200 OK

Content-Type: application/json














  • The access token generated is valid for 2 days only.
  • The refresh token generated is valid for 30 days.
  • Please do not repeatedly use the login endpoint (the first endpoint) to generate new access tokens as this endpoint has a rate limit protection. If you need a new access token after using the login endpoint, you can use the refresh token endpoint (the second endpoint) to get this. You'll want to use a valid refresh token generated from the login endpoint for this.

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